
2-Family (25-32 HP) Tractors

2 Family (25-38HP) 

John Deere 2 Family Sub-Compact Utility Tractors 25-hp to 38-hp:

These premium and comfortable compact tractors feature a drive-on mower deck, foldable ROPs, and standard 4WD.

A Small Tractor Packing Big Power

The redesigned 2 Family Compact Utility Tractors were rebuilt using customer feedback. You wanted a tractor with more strength, more power, more capabilities – and John Deere delivered.

  • 24.2HP to 36.7HP
  • Operator station designed for maximum comfort and visibility
  • Easy implement hookup and removal
  • Find a Sunshine location near you to schedule a test-drive

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equipment 1
2025R Compact Tractor
Starting at: $22,450 WITH loader
equipment 2
2032R Compact Tractor
Starting at: $27,875 WITH loader
equipment 3
2038R Compact Tractor
Starting at: $29,747 WITH loader