This Event has expired.
Feb 08 - Feb 15, 2020 All Day
Gonzales, Louisiana
This event provides an opportunity for some of the most outstanding youth in the state to receive recognition for their hard work in learning how to grow and care for a wide array of animals. This show also is about the dedication of the many parents, teachers, volunteer leaders, 4-H agents and FFA advisors who have worked with these young people to help them grow as people and responsible citizens. Among these young people are the future leaders of our state. Some will lead our agricultural industries. Others will become our civic and political leaders. The values they have learned through their involvement with livestock projects will benefit them throughout their lives – no matter what path they pursue. The animals in this show represent some of the best examples of our state’s vital animal industry – an industry worth more than $2 billion annually to Louisiana’s economy. Each animal selected as a champion during this show will be accompanied by a champion youth.